Friday, July 2, 2010

Adidas Jeremy Scott

I always wanted a pair of Jeremy Scott wings sneakers.... But when i went to the adidas store they told me that they were sold out.... I guess since many ppl like me were upset that the sneakers were sold out they decided to make a 2.0 version that comes out in August 2010 ~ Can't wait!!!!!!
more after the jump!


Adele said...

They are crazy cool!

- Adele

Oh to Be a Muse said...

i haven't seen these before but they are super interesting!

MalibuMara said...

yes i love,
i want all black ones,
his older ones looked better to me.

Vivian said...

woow those shoes are amazing! aah i love that it has wings on the side! aah i want i want!!

Anonymous said...

oh i want those shoes!

Sassi said...

never seen them before - they are really gorgeous!

SLR said...

Goose Bumps!!!

Fucking nice post :-D

Ddays Of Our Lives said...

Coolest sneakers ever seen, gotta have those!